For me, art is a healing, meditative exercise, absorbing me completely. My starting point is a striking image (usually of the natural world, but it could also be something from the many places I have lived or worked) - the play of light against dark, or an interesting combination of positive and negative space.

While my traditional painting process involves the slow building-up of colour through many layers I love the random beauty and magic of just letting the paint move and blend on the surface. Current explorations include experimenting with various texture effects, painting on textured surfaces, and adding in mixed media elements including collage with hand tinted papers. In letting go of some of the control I am learning to collaborate more with the medium itself.


A native of BC, Rebecca had a demanding career living and working overseas doing humanitarian work with the World Food Program of the United Nations.  It wasn’t until illness forced an early retirement that she was able to pursue an interest in art, and in 2015 she completed a continuing education Certificate Program in Fine Art from Emily Carr University of Art and Design in Vancouver.

Although she has dabbled in pastels and acrylics, Rebecca’s preferred medium is watercolour.  Drawing inspiration from the wealth of material provided by the natural world her painting style, while predominately realistic, also seeks to take advantage of the random beauty and unique opportunities afforded by this medium.

Rebecca feels fortunate to call the Pacific Northwest home and she and her husband divide their time between Vancouver and Pender Island.


  • July-September 2023 - Island Vibe, The Gallery, Pender Island, BC

  • March-May 2022 - Food is Everything, The Gallery, Pender Island, BC

  • September-November 2021 - Figuratively Speaking, The Gallery, Pender Island, BC

  • May-September 2021 - Finding the Light, The Gallery, Pender Island, BC

  • September-October 2020 - Forest Life and Flights of Fantasy, The Gallery, Pender Island, BC


  • July 2024 - Art in the Orchard, Pender Island, BC

  • March 2024 - Easter Art Walk, Pender Island, BC

  • July 2023 - Art in the Orchard, Pender Island, BC

  • July 2022 - Art in the Orchard, Pender Island, BC

  • April 2022 - Easter Art Walk, Pender Island, BC